Tobacco Treatment Specialist (TTS)

Core Trainings

The TTS Training program is an intensive three-day, evidence-based hybrid training program for persons who want to work with tobacco dependent clients.  Rethink Tobacco Indiana utilizes the University of Massachusetts Medical School’s (UMass) TTS Training curriculum which was initially designed in 1999.  The curriculum addresses a set of core competencies for tobacco treatment specialists as defined by the Association for the Treatment of Tobacco Use and Dependence (ATTUD).

The TTS Core Training includes two components:

TTS Part 1 (online) and TTS Part 2 (in-person or virtual)

TTS Part 1
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About TTS Part 1 (online)
TTS Part 1 is an 8-10 hour online training that must be completed BEFORE attending the live 3-day TTS Part 2 training.
This part covers the determinants of tobacco use disorder, including biological, psychological, and social aspects; physical and behavioral health impact of tobacco use; and best practices for systems to support treatment of tobacco use disorder.
TTS Part 2
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About TTS Part 2
(in-person or virtual)
TTS Part 2 is an intensive 3-day, in-person or live-virtual, evidence-based training program.
This part will cover pharmacotherapy; counseling skills (motivational interviewing); cognitive and behavioral strategies to assist tobacco users in quitting; and intake, assessment, and treatment planning.

Click here to view the training course goals and learning objectives.

The University of Massachusetts Tobacco Treatment Specialist (TTS) Training Program is accredited by Council for Tobacco Treatment Training Programs (CTTTP). The UMass TTS training program provides equal opportunity and access to all applicants, regardless of age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, disability and veteran’s status

Research studies have identified...

providers, including psychiatrists, have limited or no formal education and training for addressing tobacco use and cessation among their patients.  Without proper training, providers may lack the knowledge, skills, and confidence to routinely screen patients for tobacco use, advise patients to quit using tobacco products, and assist patients in making a quit attempt.

What is a Tobacco Treatment Specialist?

» A Tobacco Treatment Specialist (TTS) is a professional who is specially trained to possess the skills and knowledge to provide effective, evidence-based interventions for tobacco dependence for all forms of tobacco and nicotine use.

» Tobacco Treatment Specialists understand the science behind tobacco addiction, nicotine withdrawal symptoms, and effective treatments for tobacco cessation.  They can develop individualized treatment plans using comprehensive, evidence-based assessments and treatment strategies.

» Tobacco Treatment Specialists strive to maintain the highest level of professional competence as well as ethical professional and personal conduct by adhering to the Tobacco Treatment Provider Code of Ethics.

Who should attend the TTS Core Training?

» The training is designed for persons who want to work with tobacco dependent clients or deliver treatment services within a healthcare or community setting; however, anyone who is interested is welcome to attend!

» Target audiences for the training can include the following: physicians, advanced practice providers, mental health counselors, addiction counselors, social workers, nurses, pharmacists, peer recovery coaches, health educators, and respiratory therapists.

» Click here to review the training goals and objectives.

What are the requirements to attend the training?

» Prior to attending the live 3-day TTS Part 2, participants must successfully complete the “TTS  Part 1” online course offered through the University of Massachusetts’ Blackboard Learn. Please note: the “Basic Skills for Working with Smokers” course is no longer a pre-requisite for taking the TTS Training.

» Participants must be tobacco-free (including E-cigarettes) for six months prior to the training.

» There is no minimum education level and no license/certification requirements to attend the TTS Core Training.

Will this training provide me with a Certification?

» Successful completion of the TTS Core Training qualifies participants to achieve additional certification. This additional certification has implication for future reimbursement of TTS services. Two national certifications are available. It is advised that you TTS review the requirements for each, determining which is a better fit.

» American Heart Association – Certified Professional by the American Heart Association (CPAHA)  

» NAADAC, the Association for Addiction Professionals – National Certification in Nicotine and Tobacco Treatment (NCNTT)

» These national certificate programs were created to standardize and unify tobacco competencies, knowledge, and skills on a national level and provide national, unified recognition of professionals who obtain these prestigious certificates.

Tobacco Treatment Specialist Training Program Flyer

Upcoming Trainings

TTS Core Trainings

Click here to download our most recent TTS Training Program Flyer

Upcoming TTS Training Dates:

  • November 15, 17, 18, 2024
  • May 7-9, 2025

Upcoming 5-hr Workshop Training Dates:

Already a trained TTS?

Looking for ways to connect with other trained Tobacco Treatment Specialists around the Hoosier state?  Click here to learn more about the TTS Community of Practice.

Scholarship Opportunity

Rethink Tobacco Indiana seeks to increase the number of Indiana health professionals who are trained to provide evidence-based tobacco treatment interventions.  In an effort to improve the health and quality of life for all Hoosiers, Rethink Tobacco Indiana is offering a scholarship to help offset registration costs for the three-day TTS Core Training.

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Complete the form below with your contact information to sign up for the latest news on Rethink Tobacco Indiana’s trainings, tobacco-related current events and news, and available resources.