Navigating Medication Options for Smoking Cessation in Mental Health Settings
Lesson Materials
- Describe the tobacco use prevalence among persons with behavioral health conditions
- Introduce the clinical practice guidelines evidence-based recommendation on pharmacologic treatment options for patients with tobacco dependence
- Compare various tobacco treatment medications, including the safety and efficacy data, for the management of tobacco cessation
- Examine tobacco treatment medications, including doses, routes, and frequency of administration
Speaker: Karen Hudmon, DrPH, MS, RPh, CTTS, Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Purdue University College of Pharmacy
Click here to download the presentation slides
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Active date: 6/01/2021 Expiration: 6/01/2022
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- This activity qualifies for 1.0 Category I Continuing Education Units for Social Workers, Clinical Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists, Marriage and Family Therapy Associates, Mental Health Counselors, Mental Health Counselor Associates, Addiction Counselors, and Clinical Addiction Counselors as outlined by the Indiana Behavioral Health and Human Services Licensing Board.
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IMPORTANT: Once you have finished watching the video, a quiz box will appear below the video box which will allow you to complete the associated quiz.
Reference list:
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